part time job description
Must have a high school diploma and be available for day and evening hours.
Must be able to perform essential functions as needed.
Organizational Skills
Computer Skills required for public assistance
Productivity Skills
People Skills – both adult and children
Varies from 8-12 hours per week. Primary Schedule will be two evenings each week from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
and two Saturdays a month from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Must be willing to fill in as needed.
Job Description:
Responsibilities include checking library materials in/out, assisting patrons with reference requests, shelving accurately, mending books, preparing new books for circulation, bulletin boards, library displays, organizing and cleaning shelves and returned DVDs, as well as completing assigned jobs left by the Director or the Assistant Director. The public computers, tables and chairs must be cleaned at closing.
Staff must be knowledgeable in technical services such as the computer, and willing to be trained on additional equipment such as copy machine, laminator, microfilm/fiche reader/printer, typewriter, and the OPAC. Patrons must always be served first. Staff must be courteous, prompt, dependable, and promote public relations between community and library. Staff needs to monitor behavior and conduct of patrons in the library.
Staff are supervised and report to the Director, Assistant Director and the Children’s Librarian. Attending staff meetings is required and staff members are compensated. Staff must be able to perform essential functions of the job such as, accessing the lower shelves in the library, accessing stairways, securing the building, and be able to move books safely.
Must have a high school diploma and be available for day and evening hours.
Must be able to perform essential functions as needed.
Organizational Skills
Computer Skills required for public assistance
Productivity Skills
People Skills – both adult and children
Varies from 8-12 hours per week. Primary Schedule will be two evenings each week from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
and two Saturdays a month from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Must be willing to fill in as needed.
Job Description:
Responsibilities include checking library materials in/out, assisting patrons with reference requests, shelving accurately, mending books, preparing new books for circulation, bulletin boards, library displays, organizing and cleaning shelves and returned DVDs, as well as completing assigned jobs left by the Director or the Assistant Director. The public computers, tables and chairs must be cleaned at closing.
Staff must be knowledgeable in technical services such as the computer, and willing to be trained on additional equipment such as copy machine, laminator, microfilm/fiche reader/printer, typewriter, and the OPAC. Patrons must always be served first. Staff must be courteous, prompt, dependable, and promote public relations between community and library. Staff needs to monitor behavior and conduct of patrons in the library.
Staff are supervised and report to the Director, Assistant Director and the Children’s Librarian. Attending staff meetings is required and staff members are compensated. Staff must be able to perform essential functions of the job such as, accessing the lower shelves in the library, accessing stairways, securing the building, and be able to move books safely.
Waterloo Library
300 S. Wayne St. Phone: 260-837-4491
P.O. Box 707 Fax: 206-837-9148
Waterloo, IN 46793
Please send resume and three references to the above address or email to: info@waterloo.lib.in.us, you may also fill out our application below.
You may also print out an application and bring it into the library during normal business hours..
Waterloo Library
300 S. Wayne St. Phone: 260-837-4491
P.O. Box 707 Fax: 206-837-9148
Waterloo, IN 46793
Please send resume and three references to the above address or email to: info@waterloo.lib.in.us, you may also fill out our application below.
You may also print out an application and bring it into the library during normal business hours..